© 2013 Megan Smith. All rights reserved.

Cultural Probe (book)

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This artist book references 1199 contributions to Twitter made during the last two years of my PhD research at Leeds Metropolitan University. The content takes place between 8 July 2008 & 8 July 2010. The primary recording tool used to do this was an iPhone, which additionally enabled me to instantly record my geo-location and upload images that referenced the individual situations.
I called the project and phone Cultural Probe. It was a lifelogging experiment that provided an overview of the intermingled aspects of my practice, research and life. ‘Cultural Probe’ importantly became a referencing system for the methodology of my practice, which used social media to both make new work and to archive my research and art practice.
The layout of the data refers to the current system of receiving information via the screen in a layered manner that is promoting a new form of reading and forcing onscreen multitasking. The cover references ‘647 days 18 hours’ of geotagging my location, another visualization of this data can be found on page 11.
Copies can be ordered from: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/cultural-probe-8-july-2008-to-8-july-2010/16048151?productTr ackingContext=product_view/more_by_author/right/2