p.4-6 Introduction to catalogue Priyantha Udagedara, Paradise Lost, Lace Market Gallery, Nottingham. Paradise lost – Lace Market Gallery, Nottingham from Udagedara Priyantha
Category Archives: Writing

Cultural Probe (book)
This artist book references 1199 contributions to Twitter made during the last two years of my PhD research at Leeds Metropolitan University. The content takes place between 8 July 2008 & 8 July 2010. The primary recording tool used to … Continue reading

Critical Blogging Residency/ Artengine + Apt 613
I am really pleased to take up the Artengine and Apt 613 Critical Blogging Residency. You can find their announcement here: http://artengine.ca/news/2012/megan-smith-en.php … I’ll be heading to ELEKTRA/ International Digital Arts Biennale at the end of the week to absorb … Continue reading

Definitions/ #DigitalDomain #Placemaking #Culturescape #SociallyUseful #Hacking #Visualization/ terminology from my PhD thesis.
Digital domain/ refers within to socially networked space enabled by digital technologies. I associate the term specifically to operating within a technology enhanced learning environment where the defined perimeter of space that physically exists between the gaze of the eye … Continue reading

a creative tackle / politics done socially
Politics, whether personal or of national importance, are rarely delivered nor received without at least a hint of emotion. With the heavy incorporation of social media in the last U.S. presidential election waves of euphoria and disgrace rippled across the … Continue reading

PhD & Cultural Probe are now available on Lulu.com
Claiming the Portable Home/ Creative Acts of Identity Placemaking within the Networked Digital Domain http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/claiming-the-portable-home-creative-acts-of-identity-placemaking-within-the-networked-digital-domain/16048201?showPreview Cultural Probe: 8 July 2008 to 8 July 2010 http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/cultural-probe-8-july-2008-to-8-july-2010/16048151?showPreview These two books formed part of my PhD submission. The research was practice based and … Continue reading

my data or Apple’s?
my data or Apple’s?, originally uploaded by meganleigh. Via Flickr: A snapshot of some of the data my phone has been collecting since last year. I’ve zoomed in on Leeds & Yorkshire in particular. I’ve done this with OpenPaths. You … Continue reading

Ellie Harrison: Confessions of a Recovering Data Collector – Interface a-n
Ellie Harrison: Confessions of a Recovering Data Collector – Interface a-n, originally uploaded by meganleigh. Via Flickr: Ellie Harrison: Confessions of a Recovering Data Collector | Reviews | Interface | a-n. an-REVIEW Ellie Harrison: Confessions of a Recovering Data … Continue reading

Complaint to BBC Look North – Northern Art Prize
Complaint to BBC Look North – Northern Art Prize, originally uploaded by meganleigh.
Sherry Turkle’compassionatly’us’- for Ada Lovelace Day.
The quote below, written in 2004, by Sherry Turkle re-considers ‘The Second Self‘, a book she wrote in 1984. It illustrates a significant stance in academic writing: the valid use of the personal, emotional, and subjective to justify an essential … Continue reading

Gradients of Intimacy in Public Social Spaces (text in progress)
Last Monday I spent the day at the London Knowledge Lab working with the Yishay Mor & Steven Warburton on the Eduserv Digital Identities Workshop Series EDID9. img_1955.jpg, originally uploaded by yish. Focusing on current debate around identity formation on … Continue reading

Accept a Core Network
Accept a Core Network, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Forces affecting gradients of intimacy with Digital Identity
Forces affecting gradients of intimacy with Digital Identity, originally uploaded by meganleigh.
Narrative for a twitter tale
Using 140 characters to write a story, at least one entry per day 4 1 month. This is my post to work on this text.> Hello WORLD.> Is there anybody out there?> Can anybody hear me?> Can anybody see me, … Continue reading

cultural probe
cultural probeOriginally uploaded by meganleigh The new iphone has the capacity to encourage clustered activity within the digital domain. This will be reflected in the boost of new users on social networking sites, mobs descending on new applications, and in … Continue reading