‘Citizen Journalism changing the face of old and new media’BBC report

The above quote comes from this report on the BBC on January 16th referencing Janis Krums tweet which travelled around the world before the media could get a chopper out to cover the story. It’s this kind of instant access and transfer of knowledge which is revolutionizing the way we receive data and it is altering our behaviour within our social networks. Is the microblog significant? 140 characters did the trick in this instance to swell the hearts of millions around the world. Do we need 24 hour CNN overlayed with twitter streams, overlayed with our geo-located journey, overlayed with our portfolio stocks refreshing, our friendfeeds, our streaming music? Are we moving towards visual parameters like a WWC screen.How come, in a world of 24 hour CNN I missed how dangerous life is in Sri Lanka? I have in the back of my brain the knowledge that there is unrest there but actually it seems to be running much deeper.Have I been obtuse to what is happening in the world or am I just not receiving the right information? Can these microblogs filter into countries in China? Can the tweets from these places reach us? The DoGoSee.com Project at one time could not be seen in China, can it now? And why was it blacklisted? Is Burma still imposing limited access to the internet, ie. limited to the government officials? The digital domain allows us to reach out, extend our identities and to retains contact as well as to participate in contributing to the intense data flow, but how do we keep up? How do I access what I need to know, to make sure that I know what is going on everywhere? Is the Twitter ‘citizen journalism/lifelogging contributing verbal diarrhea to the ether?RSS??!!!Are journalists frustrated with the term ‘Citizen Journalism’? The concept of what journalism is, is changing radically because lifelogging is becoming mainstream. Thanks NOKIA, SONY, APPLE,… you have made a product that is replacing the cigarette, and it has changed our depth of view. You had me at hello.