Print to LCD still not working. bummer.

If you can fix this code to print to a 20X4 LCD in a legible way I will send you a chocolate bar!Whole Arduino Sketch:ab_twitterfeed_isolated_printlcdnotworking1suspect the issue it somewhere here… but it’s really beyond me.void printTitle(char c){boolean running = true; //Keep looping until this is set to falseSerial.print("-> ");while(running){if(testEnd(c)){ //If a closing tag has been foundrunning = false; //stop running}else{Serial.write(c); // here we want to print one character to the lcd BDprinttothelcd(c);delay(200);char string[140];char byteRead;int availableBytes = Serial.available();for(int i=0; i "); //testing the LCD... with no luck MLS}}c =; //Move to the next charachter}}Serial.println();}void printtothelcd(char c) {lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print(c, BYTE);}Original code comes from Oomlout‘s Twitter Monitoring Typewriter (TwypeWriter)