value=’1227069990@2008-11-19 04:46:30@53.79349@-1.55406@N 53.79349°@W 1.55406°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227080792@2008-11-19 07:46:32@53.36006@-2.27490@N 53.36006°@W 2.27490°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227114872@2008-11-19 17:14:32@43.68503@-79.61375@N 43.68503°@W 79.61375°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227235663@2008-11-21 02:47:43@40.77129@-73.87279@N 40.77129°@W 73.87279°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227279951@2008-11-21 15:05:51@40.71440@-73.95303@N 40.71440°@W 73.95303°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227297779@2008-11-21 20:02:59@40.73575@-73.99213@N 40.73575°@W 73.99213°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227297877@2008-11-21 20:04:37@40.73575@-73.99213@N 40.73575°@W 73.99213°@0 m@0 km/h@0°|1227297877@2008-11-21 20:04:37@40.73575@-73.99213@N 40.73575°@W 73.99213°@0 m@0 … Continue reading
Tag Archives: instamapper
InstaMapper screengrabs 190209
Insta-Mapper geo-trace 090109
I have been using Insta Mapper on my iPhone to trace my geo movements in order to match multiple data, like Edwige Pronovost performances and engagement with research projects. In Belfast I was at the mscape conference presenting Our City, … Continue reading
Zoomed in image of markers&segments of my Insta Mapper trace
Snap of recent geo-location
I have been geo-locating from my iPhone using InstaMapper GPS Tracker application. Above is an embedded map of my most recent location. However, it is the actual trails that this applications provides on their site that I find more intersting. … Continue reading