Thanks to Arts Council England Pst! microCONTROL has been revamped., originally uploaded by meganleigh.
Exhibitions | UNLEASHED DEVICESShowing: Wed 1st Sep – Fri 22nd OctUNLEASHED DEVICES is a playful exhibition in which artists have reconstructed, remixed and reinvented everyday electronic devices. Working in this way, the artists change our understanding of the possible use of data and purpose of technology. These exhibits not only challenge our conception of technology but also of music, art and design.The exhibition of 30 installations and exhibits by over 40artists is part of the NODE.LONDON Autumn season in conjunction with OpenLab DIY workshops at SPACE and DIY instrument performances at A10 Lab. and will form part of the London Design FestivalUnleashed Devices is an exhibition of DIY, hacking and open source projects by artists who explore technologies critically and creatively. By reconstructing, remixing and reinventing everyday electronic devices, these take on a new life as they shift our vision of the use of data and purpose of technology. Playing with frontiers, such projects not only challenge our conception of technology but also music, art and design. Here, they reveal the power of DIY modes as tools to stimulate social reflection and participation.New ways of engaging with the spectator is a core concern. Unleashed Devices includes playful installations, interactive electronic-sculptures, movement tracking works and performances, as well as coding and hardware based artworks, creating innovative media installations and new experiences*** PRIVATE VIEW BY INVITATION ONLY TUESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER. DRINKS AND CANAPES FROM 6.30PM ***Please email Angela for your invitationParticipating artists:Tine Bech, Hellicar & Lewis, Patrick Tresset & Nanda Khaorapapong, Daniel Soltis, John Nussey, Matthew Applegate/ Pixelh8, Alex Zivanovic, Neil Mendoza & Anthony Goh, Communications, Ryan Jordan, Genetic Moo, Wajid Yaseen, Eduard Prats Molner & Marijana Mitrovic, Owl Project, sketchPatch, Mary Thompson, Peter Forde, Evan Raskob, Owen Bowden, Tom Schofield, Dave Griffiths, Stuart Dunbar, Anna Dumitriu (in collaboration with Tom Keen, Dr. Simon Park, Dr. Blay Whitby and Lorenzo Grespan), Megan Smith, Vincent Van Uffelen & Olga Panades, Andy Deck, Jordan Tate & Adam Tindale, Andrew Back, Thessia Machado,Daniel PloegerCurated by Watermans and TINTTINT is a UK based interdisciplinary media arts organisation, dedicated to art which is derived from, and reflects upon the intersections of technology and culture. We assist in pursuing and establishing collaborations with scientists, theorists, artists and other practitioners.Metropolitan Works are London’s leading Creative Industries Centre. At the heart of Metropolitan Works is the Digital Manufacturing Centre, housing a range of new technology for prototyping, manufacture, research and experimentation. Metropolitan Works is committed to providing the digital tools for creative minds to innovate