Pst! microCONTROL from Megan Leigh Smith on Vimeo. Pst! is the surreptitious beckoning of attention and the acronym for Physical Space Tweets. It is a small storyteller installed in public space giving an audience a glimpse into a geo-tagged community’s … Continue reading
Tag Archives: twitter

Pst! Physical Space Tweets
Pst! Physical Space Tweets, originally uploaded by meganleigh. Pst! is the surreptitious beckoning of attention and the acronym for Physical Space Tweets. It is a small storyteller installed in public space giving an audience a glimpse into someone else’s life … Continue reading
‘I would like to place a marker here’- Dan Paluska – Digital Domain Self-Portrait
Documented self-portrait within the Digital Domainusemoreproduct – “in this video i am thinking about synchronicity and how different actions leave different fingerprints or markers. when ants communicate they lease chemical markers along the trail for themselves and any other ant … Continue reading
XML tweetbook for 170509
1820105814Ellen & The Escapades @ Trinity. May 16 21:23:06 +0000 2009Twitterrific1819455806Flow is on now.Sat May 16 20:13:55 +0000 2009Twitterrific1819450777There is something about drinking a beer, and sitting on a hard pew listening to a great band live that feels … Continue reading

Arduino talking to LCD
photo.jpg, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

LCD+arduino is a go!
LCD+arduino is a go!, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Twitter fetch coming through.
Twitter fetch coming through., originally uploaded by meganleigh.

LCD_I2C_HookupArduino, originally uploaded by jcm_flickr. Using I2C mode, pins 3, 4, 5, 6 are required as shown. LCD Pin 3 goes to Arduino analog in pin 5. LCD Pin 4 goes to Arduino analog in pin 4. LCD Pin 5 … Continue reading

Rest OK! Connected… Now what? Where is the feed, issue with Terminal?
Rest OK! Connected… Now what? Where is the feed, issue with Terminal?, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Using breadboard xport RX to A2, TX to A3
Using breadboard xport RX to A2, TX to A3, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Arduino + shield pre attaching breadboard
Arduino + shield pre attaching breadboard, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Goodnight moon! Telnet-XPort-Tastic!
Goodnight moon! Telnet-XPort-Tastic!, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

‘Citizen Journalism changing the face of old and new media’BBC report
The above quote comes from this report on the BBC on January 16th referencing Janis Krums tweet which travelled around the world before the media could get a chopper out to cover the story. It’s this kind of instant access … Continue reading

It says’U TWIT!’
It says ‘U TWIT!’, originally uploaded by meganleigh.

Getting started w Arduino Blink test
Getting started w Arduino Blink test, originally uploaded by meganleigh.
Narrative for a twitter tale
Using 140 characters to write a story, at least one entry per day 4 1 month. This is my post to work on this text.> Hello WORLD.> Is there anybody out there?> Can anybody hear me?> Can anybody see me, … Continue reading

Quasimondo Twitter VFD Display – Interactive twitter recipe
Twitter VFD DisplayOriginally uploaded by Quasimondo I’ve ben spending a lot of time thinking about how to make an interactive twitter experience and there are two models that I am imagining. One is a visual text output onto an LCD … Continue reading